Char Griller Grand Champ XD Review: Is It Worth It? Feb(2025).

Char Griller Grand Champ XD Review_Featured Image

Here is my Char Griller Grand Champ xd review. Based on my experience I have discussed specs, dimensions, thickness, thermometer, cover, mods, models etc all in detail.. I waited for the release of this smoker with so much enthusiasm.. And now here it is… I already have a lot of stuff, more good and less … Read more

Oklahoma Joe’s Highland Review, Feb(2025)

Oklohama Highland Offset Smoker

Looking for Oklahoma Joe’s Highland review? Right in the place to make it simpler for you.. If you are not ready enough to buy the high end smoker. . But you still want to get something with a value at a low cost. You are good to go with this smoker.  I have discussed about its … Read more

7 Best Reverse Flow Smoker, Feb(2025)

Oklahoma Joe's Longhorn best reverse flow smoker for beginner

There are various types of reverse flow offset smokers in the market. And it can be quite confusing to find out the right one according to our needs.. Just being reverse flow in its operation doesn’t mean that it will be efficient.. We should always make sure about the other factors like- Avoiding very cheap smokers … Read more

3 Best Offset Smoker for Beginners, Dec(2024)

Okhlahoma Joes Reverse Flow Offset Smoker Image. Best offset smoker for Beginners

It was very easy for me to prepare the list of best offset smoker for beginners.. I know exactly the struggle I had as a beginner.. I used to think the smoker needs to be heavily built and only then I can get the top result.. For me , It wasn’t true. I ended up … Read more